martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

please pay attention to the video on your left because habrá una tarea parecida muy pronto... :)

Check the video!!!!!
The other 5 uses of verb TO BE in present.
(al terminar weather, time and date tendrán su primer examen) Please, busquen en internet estos usos para que se vayan familiarizando y les sea más fácil comprender en clases. Si visitan comenten, (desinteresadamente..) eso me indica que están al pendiente de información nueva en el blog.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

The Uses of verb TO BE in present

TO BE in present has 9 uses: Here are the first 4, identification, description, nationality and origin, and age.

As a homework assignment for Tuesday, September 11th Please study vocabulary for professions in the next link:

And after playing and practicing vocabulary in that page, check this video

FINALLY answer these questions:  What is the article we use to talk about professions?
                                                       What are the two ways of asking for a person´s profession?