sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Hello!! This is the script for the interview:

1. What´s your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. How old are you?
4. What do you do? / What are you?/ What´s your occupation?
5. What´s your opinion about Mexico?
6. What´s your favorite Mexican dish?
7. Please tell me about a touristic place in your country?
8. What´s the weather like in your country in this time of the year?
  Thanks a lot for your help, Nice to meet you, Good bye

not preocupeís, trabajaremos en clase con las dudas y la forma de abordar a los extranjeros, se los dejo por si quieren intentarlo en este puente del día de muertos =D

Fechas: Verb TO BE exam   October 30th
               Presentations in teams   November 6th
               Songs:  November 13th and 15th
               Entrega de entrevistas happy dollars y sellos: November 21st

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Queridos estudiantes: les dejo unas direcciones que visitarán martes 23 de octubre en el laboratorio.




martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

please pay attention to the video on your left because habrá una tarea parecida muy pronto... :)

Check the video!!!!!
The other 5 uses of verb TO BE in present.
(al terminar weather, time and date tendrán su primer examen) Please, busquen en internet estos usos para que se vayan familiarizando y les sea más fácil comprender en clases. Si visitan comenten, (desinteresadamente..) eso me indica que están al pendiente de información nueva en el blog.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

The Uses of verb TO BE in present

TO BE in present has 9 uses: Here are the first 4, identification, description, nationality and origin, and age.

As a homework assignment for Tuesday, September 11th Please study vocabulary for professions in the next link:

And after playing and practicing vocabulary in that page, check this video

FINALLY answer these questions:  What is the article we use to talk about professions?
                                                       What are the two ways of asking for a person´s profession?